, 39175 Bečice
Camping Country Bečice is located in the village on the banks of the River Lužnice, southwest of the camp. It offers accommodation in rooms of their own tents or caravans. In the area there is a restaurant, a s...

Přísečná , 38101 Český Krumlov
, 38101 Český Krumlov
Kemp Czech Krumlov is on the left side of the Vltava River near the city center. Accommodation is available in own tents. There are three large fireplaces, terrace and a large tent with refreshments.
, 39901 Milevsko
A meadow for pitching a tent or placing a caravan. Accommodation is further in double single-storey log chalets. A simple snack bar, a natural open fire ring and covered seating with a fire place – grilling and...

, 38101 Všeměry
It's located 10 km from the UNESCO town of Cesky Krumlov with the area of 1.7 ha and it's gently situated on the right bank of river Vltava on one site and lined with forest on the other site. That makes it a ...

Nádražní 396, 37344 Zliv
The autocamp is located in the forest by a beautiful pond. New four-bed bungalows, two-, three- and four-bed cottages, places for own caravans and tents (incl. el. connections) are available. Toilets and shower...

České Vrbné 1995, 37011 České Budějovice
The camp is located in the quiet environment of the water area České Vrbné. Accommodation available: in own tents and caravans. There is a restaurant, bicycle, raft and boat (and water tourism equipment) rental...