125, 38218 Rožmberk nad Vltavou
If you plan to stay over the night in Rozmberk then consider to check in at our camp site or hostel. The place is situated right at the Ingetour station - more specifically , at the beginning of Rozmberk if com...

Vltava ř.Km 298, 381 01 Český Krumlov
The Branná camp is located on the right bank of Vltava River. Accommodation is possible in own caravans and tents or in heated cottages for four persons, Indian Teepee (diameter 7 meters) for up to 15 persons o...

164, 384 73 Stachy - Ubislav
A small family camp near a forest and a fishpond situated beneath the Javorník Mountain – 1,064 meters ASL. Accommodations are provided in bungalows featuring own toilets and kitchenettes.

Putim 63, 39701 Putim
The campsite is situated at the confluence of the rivers Otava and Blanice. Accommodation is available in cabins or own tents. There is a restaurant and children's playground.

Ounuz 12, 39133 Jistebnice

Zlatá Koruna 23, 38202 Zlatá Koruna
Camiping “U Kučerů”
ist ursprűnglicher Wasserkemping an der rechte Seite der Moldau im Ort Zlatá Koruna (Goldenkrone). Ausmass fast 2ha, Kapazität cca 250 Zelten und cca 50 Parkplätze . Erfrischung verschieden...

42, 39843 Křižanov
Campsite is located on the bank of Velky Prachvsky pond. Accommodation in own tents or caravans. There is a self-catering kitchen and fire place in the site, restaurant nearby. Beautiful hiking destinations ar...
, 382 79 Lojzova Paseka
On behalf of the JAF-LIPNO: All the cabins have blankets with bed linen, the kitchens are equipped with basic utensils and refrigerators, heating with wood (supplied bythe manager, for 1.90 EUR for a wheelbarr...