125, 38218 Rožmberk nad Vltavou
If you plan to stay over the night in Rozmberk then consider to check in at our camp site or hostel. The place is situated right at the Ingetour station - more specifically , at the beginning of Rozmberk if com...

Albeř , 378 33 Nová Bystřice
The recreation centre offers accommodation in five-bed wooden chalets with an upstairs. A sand area, a round-about and swings are available to children in the complex. For other holiday-makers, there is a volle...
, 37802 Stráž nad Nežárkou
Campsite located by Nežárka river offers accommodation in cabins, own tents and campers.

Černá v Pošumaví 69, 38223 Černá v Pošumaví
Hotel Racek is located in the biggest recreation area in south Bohemia, in the village Černá v Pošumaví, on lakeside of Lipno.
This beautiful recreation place is located mostly in protected landscape area Šuma...

Soukeník 3010/e, 39101 Sezimovo Ústí
Soukeník Camp is located in southern Bohemia, 5 km from Tabor. The camp is situated in a quiet and pleasant environment between the forest and the river Lužnice. It is also well accessible by public transport, ...

břeh rybníka Hejtman , 37804 Chlum u Třeboně
Smaller family campsite located alongshore sandy pond. There are places for tents and campers available (230V connection). Possibility of making a fire.
